Our Cuisine


Without doubt one of the greatest pleasures of mankind is yummy food and the taste of food in Prizren is made from the roasted meat and graceful water in a table. This delicious food in this particular city is a product of long experience, which is inherited from one generation to another. Preparation does not inculde anything other than the tradition. During the preparation of these meals, cooking is simple and cozy but with experience. For the preparation of food local chiefs have created enough experience associated with a long tradition and modernity strengthened today. Prizren is known for the dough products, among which stand out: Pogaqa, Toplia, Pitajka, Pitja (pie) and Flija. Prizren’s traditional dishes constitute the essence of Prizren cuisine. Qervish with meatballs, peppers with cottage cheese, casserole Prizren, Dolmas, Musaka, Sarma, Beans, Goulash, Burjan with meet, Elbasan casserole are some of the most prominent dishes of Prizren. Also, Prizren cultivates a certain number of sweets, among whom, sheqerpare, tespishte, baklava, Sutliash, tullumba and havlla are the most favorites.


Few of the Prizren dishes:
Pie dough (foil), butter, meat, spinach, curd, cabbage.
Tavë Prizreni (Prizren casserole) meat, onions, peppers, tomatoes, okra, black eggplant, zucchini, carrots.
Paqa flour, water, butter, meat nuggets.
Sarma minced meat, rice, cabbage or grape sheets.
Tespishte flour, sugar, butter, nuts, water.